Our Mission

It is the mission of Changing Faces to impact the community through increased self-worth, leadership, and social involvement of its members.  Changing Faces is committed to providing integrated service delivery systems for individuals with mental health diagnoses.  We provide a wide range of treatment and training programs to help our clients maintain and enhance their level of functioning in their community. We will help our clients meet their goals by providing individualized assessments and treatment plans. We will provide therapeutic guidance, training, and assistance for our clients and will use measurable outcomes to determine clients’ progress.  Participation of families, care providers, friends, advocates, and community members will be enlisted to ensure that Changing Faces  can fulfill its mission.

Our Philosophy

The individuals we serve present with various combinations of severe behavioral, emotional, psychological and/or educational needs and often have received a variety of services from multiple agencies. We believe in a holistic strength-based approach which achieves positive outcomes for the individuals we serve. We are dedicated to the philosophy of individualized, unconditional care that supports children, adults, and families, and energizes the agency and individuals involved in our care. Our treatment philosophy is founded on the belief that care must be individually centered, family-focused, strength-based, culturally competent and community-based.





Our Focus
Our focus is on strengthening and preserving family unity through prevention and solution-based services. We believe that all individuals can develop the necessary skills to achieve their goals. We will meet the individual at their level and provide the tools and support necessary to begin, continue and succeed in that endeavor.

Our Vision
Our vision is to be a life changing resource to our clients, their families, and our communities.